Education Program

At Little Academy, we follow emergent curriculum which stems from children’s interests and upcoming calendar events and cultural celebrations. We closely link our planning and programming around the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).
Children at Little Academy are given the opportunity to choose from a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, including sand play, gross motor physical movement experiences, role-play, arts and craft, construction, storytelling, drama, writing, puzzles and problem solving, maths and science. All rooms have a scheduled learning engagement group time twice a day – in the morning and afternoon.
We also have planned experiences, which are a variety of guided group activities that follow the EYLF. Activities include cognitive development, fine motor development, social skills building, language skills and writing. These activities can take place either indoors or outdoors as required.
Daily Routine
The two rooms at Little Academy follow a daily routine that provides structure to your child’s day. This routine can be flexible, adjusting to the weather, the number of children in each room, different activities or incursions or cultural celebrations.
The Rainbow Room
Catering to children from 2 to 3.5 years, our educators observe each child’s interests and needs and plan experiences and activities including cognitive development, fine motor development, social skills building, language skills and writing.

The Rainbow Room
Catering to children from 2 to 3.5 years, our educators observe each child’s interests and needs and plan experiences and activities including cognitive development, fine motor development, social skills building, language skills and writing.

The Troubadour Room
The Troubadour Room with older children aged 3.5 to school age, The Troubadour Room has an additional focus on school readiness programming. We focus on preparing them for classroom expectations, strengthening hand grip, numeracy and literacy development.