Online Enrolment

Enrolment Policy
Little Academy welcomes visitors to the Centre. Appointments for visits are made by telephoning the Centre on (02) 964255 80. The Director and Administration Staff can provide information to visitors about the service, the philosophy, the management, the learning environment and the program.
Parents will be provided with a Waiting List Application Form. Parents will be contacted when a place becomes available. If the Parent wishes to proceed with the offer of a place, they will be provided with an Enrolment Form. The completion of this form together with the Child Profile and discussions with Staff will give parents an opportunity to share information about their child’s needs and interests within the context of their family, their culture and the parent’s expectations.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Please inform us of any changes in your circumstances by calling 96425580
Note: If you are submitting a waitlist application for more than one (1) child please submit another online application.